Birth / death / Marriage Online Registration

Birth / death / Marriage Online Registration. Birth / death registration is the duty of citizen within prescribed period of time. According to registration of births and deaths acts 1969 birth / or death registration can be done by any of the prescribed person. The state government has appointed registrar according to residing area whether reported person belongs to panchayath, municipality, corporation or a combination of both. Every registrar should done it properly, without charging fee or reward.

But you have to pay some prescribed charge, if you registered it after the expiry date. According to common rules for marriage registration, all marriages in the state must be registered within 45 days from the date of solemnisation of marriage irrespective of religion. It can be done in accordance with whether you belongs to Panchayath, municipality or corporation. Necessory documents for registration includes memorandum in duplicate, copy of marriage certificates issued by religious authority, 3 passport size photos, and attested copy of any ID proof showing date of birth issued by government. Incase marriage certificate produced by religious authorities is absent, it can be done with the declaration form produced by gazetted officer or member of Local Self Government Institutions  or MLA or MP. You have to pay some preferred fee for the registration. Now, as a part of e-governance  various government services are available through different e- centers. This electronic system integrates various stand alone systems and service with the intention of producing more productive service. This system ensures your data security without leaking your personal informations. It also reduces your complexity and valuable time for the payment as it can be done from anywhere in 24*4 hours.

 Some times it is essential to produce previous payment receipts. This e-governing system is beneficial as you can access it at any time from anywhere. Now most of the certificates are available through Akshaya e-centers. But most of the people has been mistaken Akshaya e-centers as sarkar office and employees as sarkar employees. Actually these e-centers running private authorities having sarkar lisence. Akshaya e-centers provide paid service as an aid for people who are computer illiterate or hasn’t any internet or computer facility. None of these cases, you are certain with filling a form it is enough!!! Any citizen has the right to do sarkar services of his / her own. Moreover 95% of the services available in akshaya centers can be done using mobile phone or computer by anyone who is internet literate. If you want to scan any of the document, you can make use CS scanner like apps. If you are eligible and have necessary facilities, don’t waste your valuable time in Akshaya e-centers.

Following services are available in the portal




For Downloading Certificate: Click Here

For Certificate Correction: Click Here