Book cashless train tickets now and pay later

Indian Railway Catering and Tour Coorperation has introduced travel now pay later. This feature has available in its application IRCTC Rail connect. The train travel lovers and passengers can book their tickets and pay only after travel through a convenient EMI. It takes three to six months to repay the money. IRCTC annouced that this feature can only use by Paytm customers and also announced that it has added paytm postpaid to its platform. Currently users can book train tickets through IRCTC portal using paytm postpaid service. The amount used to book the ticket can be refunded later.

This kind of features was very helpful of passengers and train travel lovers. Many people use this platform to pay bill and shopping. It is a system of given money in the form of small demand loans. It was collaborated with NBFCs Aditya Birla Finance Limited. This amount can be used for online and offline payments. There is a some conditions for activated postpaid facility in paytm app. Currently, Upto Rs. 60,000 is available to rail passengers for 30 days. In each month, they will get an bill in online.

How to use Paytm postpaid?

  • First rail passengers want to login IRCTC official portal or its application.
  • Given your travels details like date, place etc.
  • Then click payment option and again click pay later option.
  • Select Paytm postpaid and login your paytm.
  • After this process you will get an OTP , thats will complete your booking process.