November 4, 2024

Guardians from Truecaller app for people’s safety

True Caller is an application that is widely installed on the phones of common people. True Caller is a smart phone application that lets us know the identity of calls from unsaved numbers in our phone. Introducing Who searched for me – Premium feature allowing you to see who searched for you in Truecaller Introducing Family plan – From the Premium tab you can now subscribe or upgrade to the Family plan and share your Premium experience with up to 4 additional members. Introducing improved dialer experience for dual SIM users. App startup time improvements. This application True Caller presents many such futures for us.

Similarly, Guardians from Truecaller is another application that Truecaller presents for us. Why Guardians? Exploring new places, walking home alone, meeting someone you don’t know, taking a late night cab ride – these are some things that can make us feel unsafe, especially for women. In 2021, we all have phones, and now that can be our line of defense. By choosing trusted people as your Guardians, and allowing them to see where you are, you can have peace of mind, and protection in case anything goes wrong.

• Invite your friends & family to be your Guardians. Choose the people you trust to see your location when needed.
• Share your GPS location privately. Only your Guardians will be able to see where you are and check on your safety.
• Setup forever sharing. You can choose to share your location permanently to certain trusted people.
• Notify your Guardians immediately when you are feeling unsafe, using the I need help feature
• Battery life, network strength and phone status can also be shared. This can be vital information for your Guardians and your safety.