In Kerala, a caste certificate is a legal document that certifies a person’s caste or community, as per the Indian Constitution’s reservation system. The certificate is issued by the Revenue Department of the State Government, through the concerned village office, taluk office, or collectorate. This certificate is generally required for various purposes, such as education, employment, and government schemes that provide reserved benefits to certain communities. It is important to note that the use of caste certificates is a sensitive and controversial issue in India. While the system is designed to provide certain benefits and opportunities to historically disadvantaged communities, it has also been criticized for perpetuating social inequality and caste-based discrimination.
Let’s see what are the documents required to get caste certificate. Application in the prescribed format, Ration card, court fee stamp on the application form, SSLC certificate, Photo ID card etc. If you a adopted children, need proof of caste of father and adoption. Caste certificate can apply only through E-District portal. First of all you need to register this portal. Check out how to register in E-district portal.
1) Visit official E-District portal website
2) Select Portal user
3) Click on “new portal user creation”
4) Enter your required details including mobile and Aadhaar number
5) You will need to log in the website using name and password after register yourself
6) Select “Apply for a certificate”
7) Then click Edistrict register number of person for whom the applicatin is required
8) Choose caste certificate
9) Select purpose of certificate and other details
10) Click on Save button
11) Then upload your documents (only pdf files can be attached this application)
12) Pay fee as per mention in portal
13) After the successfull payment, you will be loaded into a new receipt webpage. Download or printout this receipt for future application purpose