Kerala Motor Vehicle Department launches school bus tracking app

Parents who send their children into school are worried until they return. Now there is a solution that was launched by Kerala Motor Vehicle Department. MVD has launched a new app named Vidhya Vahan that can track location of school buses. Using this application, parents can track the location of buses their children travel daily basis. This application will help you to stop worry about childrens school bus travel. This application will also be helpful for those who have waiting at the pick up point or front of the home with their children thinking that it is the time for bus to come in the morning. There isĀ  a GPS track that was installed on the each school bus. Using GPS , we can easily track and location of the school bus.

The Vidhya Vahan application can easily downloaded from Google play store. The most notable point is that not anyone can track buses using this app. The GPS Track will be under the control of each schools. Those people who login to the app with school registered number will be able to track these school buses. That means, only parents can use this new feature that was launched by Kerala MVD. Let’s see how to use Vidhya vahan application in mobile phone.

How to use Application?

  • Download app from Google Play Store.
  • Login registered mobile number.
  • The numbers can add only by school authorities.
  • The app also have facility to register one number for multiple buses.
  • When you login to the app, you can see details of the buses.
  • Select which bus you want to track.
  • You can see route of the bus through the map itself.
  • Through this app, the parents is possible to know whether the school bus is moving or where it is currently.
  • This app also show the school bus arrival time at your home.

The Vidhya Vahan app is accessed by MVD officials in their respective are, school staff and parents. The parents also possible to call driver, teacher or other staff in school bus through this app. It is not possible to call the school bus driver while he is driving. So most of the parents should be used this kind of facilities provided by MVD.

Download app : Click Here