MyGov application brings you to express your thoughts to government!

Government is the political authority over the actions, affairs, etc. of a political unit, people, etc., as well as the performance of certain functions for this unit or body.  It’s also the action of governing; political rule and administration. The Government of India , is the national administrative authority of India, a federal democracy located in South Asia, consisting of 28 union states and eight union territories. The Constitution assigns three primary branches of government: the legislative (Parliament), executive (government and Council of Ministers) and judiciary (Supreme Court), whose powers are vested by the Constitution in the Parliament, president and courts respectively.

The government of India, also known as the Union of India (according to Article 300 of the Indian constitution), is modelled after the Westminster system. The Union government is mainly composed of the executive, the legislature and judiciary and powers are vested by the constitution in the prime minister, parliament, and supreme court respectively. The president of India acts as head of state and commander-in-chief of Indian armed forces whereas elected prime minister acts as head of executive and responsible for running Union government. Parliament is bicameral in nature with Lok Sabha being lower house (Lok Sabha) and Rajya Sabha being upper house (Rajya Sabha). Judiciary houses a supreme court which is superior to all others; 25 high courts; and several district courts inferior to it.

The basic civil and criminal laws governing the citizens of India are set down in major parliamentary legislation, such as the civil procedure code, penal code and criminal procedure code. Similar to the Union government, individual state governments each consist of executive, legislative and judiciary branches. The legal system applicable to the Union and individual state governments is based on English common law. The full name of India is Republic of India. Bharat is also commonly used as a short form for Republic of India in official documents. New Delhi is often used as a metonym for government offices located at New Delhi.[citation needed]

Citizens make the future of the country. Many things depend on us, citizens. We have a responsibility to participate in our democracy and make informed decisions about how our interests are represented. For example, many people are taking the initiative to make their local neighbourhoods more liveable by volunteering at community groups or maintaining playgrounds and green spaces. This is a great way for citizens to get involved in their community and make a positive impact on their community’s quality of life.
The public is often involved in many spheres of life. From a personal perspective, I have noticed that there are many things that need to be improved. Some people are eager to change something and what’s more important they really do that. The main aim of this kind of people is to improve the quality of life around us. This is called citizen participation. Some things might have more importance than we think; for example, we can keep the streets clean, which will benefit us and our relatives and friends.

MyGov is Government of India’s innovative citizen engagement platform for direct citizen participation in governance by providing an avenue for channelizing their ideas, comments and creative suggestions to Central Ministries and associated organizations. this app is user friendly and useful. this can be used as a social media platform like facebook or twitter, but the difference is ,in this app we can inform our opinion, suggestion, complaints directly to ministry of india. this app is available both ios and android.

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