November 4, 2024

What to do if original pan card is lose

A PAN card is a unique identity number of all citizens in India. It is an essential document for filing income tax returns and conducting financial transactions. If you have lost or misplaced your PAN card, you can apply for a duplicate PAN card online or offline. In this article, we will guide you through the process of obtaining a duplicate PAN card.

Pan Card is one of the most important document in India. PanĀ  Card are the essential for our financial process, income tax etc. Sometimes we have faced the situations of missing our Pan Card. Most of the people don’t know what do to do that time. Actually there is no need to panic on such situations. We can apply for duplicate Pan Card at online. A duplicate Pan Card can be used for any purpose if the original Pan Card is lost. Don’t want to apply for new Pan Card. Legally, duplicate Pan Card has the same value of original Pan Card. Let’s chech how to apply duplicate pancard online.

  • Go to the Official website of TIN-NSDL
  • Click on the PAN services than has appear on the screen
  • Select the option of Apply for online Pan
  • Then scroll down and select Reprint of PAN card
  • Click on the link provided on details section
  • You will redirected into a page and submit your request of online printing
  • Enter your PAN Card number , Aadhar card number linked with PAN card, month and year of birth
  • Check the information declaration box
  • Enter the Captcha code and submit the application form and verify your information
  • Select get your OTP and validating by entering that OTP
  • Select which mode of payment
  • It will cost Rs.50 to send PAN to an address in India and Rs.959 for Abroad
  • Once your payment is completed, an acknowledgement will be send to your mobile number

What occasions we can apply duplicate Pan card? You can apply duplicate pan card if your original pan card is lose, stolen or damaged. You can also apply duplicate pan card if you want to change the address, signature and other details in the Pan Card. One thing you must follow, if your pan card is stolen or lose , you should approach immediately the Police station and File FIR. Only after file a case, you can apply for duplicate pan card is online or offline.