The main concept of Aadhaar card is prove to identity of ours using a single card. Every individual living in India has Aadhaar card. For authenticaton process at airports or any application process or taking sim card need to submit our identity proof Aadhaar card. If you submit Aadhaar card for any purposes for example need to submit Aadhaar number for getting wifi connection. Sometimes this Aadhaar number it might get misused. There are many fraud peoples who can take multiple sim card using your name and Aadhaar number. It has higher possibility chance.
Sanchar Saathi portal is a citizen centric initiative of Department of Telecommunications to empower mobile subscribers, strengthen their security and increase awareness about citizen centric initiatives of the Government. Sanchar Saathi empowers citizens by allowing them to know the mobile connections issued in their name, get disconnected the connections either not taken by them or not required by them, block and trace stolen/lost mobile phones and check genuineness of devices while buying a new/old mobile phone. Sanchar Saathi facilitates citizens for reporting suspected fraud communication. Sanchar Saathi contains various modules like Chakshu, CEIR, TAFCOP, KYM, RICWIN, KYI etc.
In addition, Keep Yourself Aware facility provides latest updates and awareness material on different aspects related to end user security, telecom and information security. Due to this the Telecom department has launched new websites for peoples will help you to find how many sims in your name. Using this website, we can easily check it out. Let’s see how to check it how many sims in your name. First of all you want go to the offical website of Telecom department , that is website. You will be loaded into interface of this website. Scroll down below and here you can see ‘Know your mobile connections’ options. Click the know your mobile connections option. You want to enter your mobile number that would attach your Aadhaar card when you reached to the next page. After enter your mobile number and type re captcha that was shown on the box.
Then you will get an otp into your mobile number and enter that opt into the box and click login button. In this page, you can see how many sim connections in your Id card. If you have another connection, then you can select ‘report this number’ box and reported it. Telecom department will review this number and terminate this connection from your id or you should also visit the nearest telecom office for further assistance. This is the proper way to find out and report how many connections in your Id card.
Link 1 : Click Here
Link 2 : Click Here